
Localhost refused to connect in Chrome on Windows 11

If y'all encounter the Localhost refused to connect mistake bulletin when running whatsoever spider web server on your local Windows eleven/10 calculator, then this post is intended to help website owners and administrators gear up the issue with the most adequate solutions.

Localhost refused to connect

What does it mean when localhost refused to connect?

If you have encountered the localhost refused to connect error message, information technology simply means you're unable to access the webserver via localhost. There's a take a chance that your firewall may be blocking the connexion. Yous tin can often resolve this problem by modifying your firewall settings to allow incoming connections for the port that MAMP is trying to access.

The about likely culprits to this error include;

  • Localhost isn't respective to 127.0.0.i.
  • Using WSL on Windows to run a web server.
  • Port eighty is used by some other application on your calculator.
  • Accessing your web server from a incorrect port.
  • Bereft Permissions.

Fix Localhost refused to connect fault

If the Localhost refused to connect error message appears on your Chrome browser in Windows 11/10 calculator, you can endeavor our recommended solutions beneath in no item order and run across if that helps to resolve the upshot.

  1. Access Localhost via
  2. Access Localhost via Port Number
  3. Change Apache port in XAMPP
  4. Alter Apache port in WAMP
  5. Delete awarding.config File (if applicable)
  6. Restart LxssManager Service (applies to Web Servers running on WSL)

Allow's accept a wait at the description of the procedure involved concerning each of the listed solutions.

one] Admission Localhost via 127.0.0.ane

This solution requires yous to start the spider web server by launching XAMPP or WAMP and then become to your browser and type 127.0.0.ane and hitting Enter on your keyboard. If this workaround solves the Localhost refused to connect error bulletin, then information technology means the localhost isn't pointing to this IP – and then, to access any projects/files on your web server, you'll need to type in instead of localhost/filename.

2] Access Localhost via Port Number

If your spider web server isn't running on the default port eighty, you volition encounter this error. In this case, to resolve the upshot, you can access the local web server by specifying the port number – to do that, you have to blazonlocalhost:8080 in your browser.

3] Change Apache port in XAMPP

To change the Apache running port in XAMPP, practice the following:

  • Start XAMPP from the Starting time Menu.
  • Double-click the XAMPP icon in the system tray on the taskbar to launch the XAMPP Control Panel.
  • In the XAMPP Control Console Window, you would see a list of services that are currently running i.eastward Apache, MySQL etc.
  • Adjacent to the service name, there would be a Finish button.
  • Click on Stop in front of the apache service.
  • Next, printing Windows cardinal + E to open File Explorer.
  • At present, navigate to the directory below:
  • At the location, look for a file named httpd.conf.
  • Side by side, open up the file with a Text Editor.
  • Inside the file, search for the following ii lines:
Heed 80 ServerName localhost:80

Replace them with the following:

Listen 8080 ServerName localhost:8080
  • Relieve the file by pressing CTRL + S.
  • Now open up the XAMPP Command Console again, and showtime the Apache webserver.

The error should be fixed now if the event was caused by a alien port number. Otherwise, try the next solution.

4] Change Apache'due south port in WAMP

To alter the Apache running port in WAMP, do the following:

  • Kill all running instances of WAMP in Task Director.
  • Side by side, open File Explorer.
  • Now, navigate to the directory below:
  • At the location, look for a file named httpd.conf.
  • Next, open up the file with a Text Editor.
  • Inside the file, search for the following two lines:
Listen lxxx ServerName localhost:80

Replace them with the following:

Mind 8080 ServerName localhost:8080
  • Save the file.

Now open WAMP and see if the effect is resolved or not. If the latter is the case, endeavor the next solution.

5] Delete application.config File (if applicable)

To delete the application config file, do the post-obit:

  • Open up your project binder in File Explorer.
  • Next, open up the .vs folder. You may need to show hidden files/folders.
  • Once inside the.vs folder, explore the config folder.
  • Inside the config binder, delete theawarding.config file.
  • Exit File Explorer.

If the event is yet unresolved, try the side by side solution.

6] Restart LxssManager Service (applies to Spider web Servers running on WSL)

Restart LxssManager Service

Do the post-obit:

  • Printing Windows key + R to invoke the Run dialog.
  • In the Run dialog box, type services.msc and hit Enter to open Services.
  • In the Services window, scroll and locate the LxssManager service.
  • Right-click the service and select Restart or Outset.
  • Get out Services console.

Cheque your webserver now and the issue should exist resolved.

Hope any of these solutions work for you!

Why is 127.0 0.ane refused to connect?

This exception message says you're trying to connect to the same host (127.0. 0.ane), while you're stating that your server is running on a different host. This 127.0. 0.1 represents a 'loopback'. To resolve the 127.0 0.1 refused to connect, try adding port to the address; example http://127.0.0.i:8080 (Default for JIRA).

Related post: The proxy server is refusing connections error in Firefox or Chrome.


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