Edited By: Tania Goklany | Baronial 22, 2017 iv:23 PM | Organ Donation Campaign

organ donation FAQs

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Here's the lowdown on everything you need to know most organ donation and transplantation. If y'all have any more questions or queries, please exit them in the comment box, we will go back to y'all. Or y'all can Ask Our Experts here.

  1. How exercise I pledge my organs?
    Organs tin can be pledged online with National Organ & Tissue Transplant System (NOTTO), which comes under the Authorities's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. You can also register at Organ Retrieval Cyberbanking Organization (ORBO), AIIMS Hospital, or NGOs like the Mohan Foundation, ORGAN India, Gift Your Organ Foundation, etc.
  1. Does information technology cost to donate organs?
    No donation cost is borne by the donor or the donor'south family.
  1. Is in that location an age or sex bar for altruistic organs?
    No, both sexes and people of varied ages can donate organs. The youngest donor in India has been a one-and-a-one-half year old baby, and the oldest an 83-year-former woman.
  1. What organs can I donate?
    Organs: Heart, Liver, Lungs, Pancreas, Kidneys, Intestine
    Tissues: Cornea, Skin, Heart Valves, Bones, Tendons, Blood Vessels, Ear Drums
  1. Can all organs be donated but after my death?
    No; one can donate kidney, parts of liver, and parts of pancreas when live if there's a match. This friction match is adamant by myriad of medical examinations. Most importantly, the claret group must friction match.
  1. How is brain-death determined?
    According to the Transplantation of Human being Organs (THO) Act 1994, the person's decease has to be certified by a board of four medical experts twice in a time frame of half-dozen hours before the person'southward organs can be surgically removed:
    – A Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) who is in accuse of the hospital
    – An independent RMP nominated by the panel of names approved past the Advisable Authority
    – A neurosurgeon/neurologist. In absence of a neurosurgeon/neurologist, whatever surgeon physician, anesthetist or intensivist from panel of names canonical by the Appropriate Authority
    – The RMP who was treating the deceased
  1. I have pledged to donate my organs, merely that'due south only possible in the event of encephalon death. What happens in the case of natural decease?
    Only tissues such as cornea, centre valves, skin, and bones can exist donated. If a person dies naturally, the heart stops beating considering of which the oxygen supply to the organs gets cut-off leaving them unfit for donation.
    Family members of the deceased person would have to contact the nearest eye or tissue bank in the instance of natural death.
  1. Can I opt for donating my entire body?
    Yes, at a medical higher.
  1. Once I take the pledge, is organ donation legally binding?
    The act of pledging only says that 'I wish to donate my organs', in that location is no legal binding to the pledge.
  1. What is the process/paperwork needed from my side, if I decide to pledge my organs?
    Since organ donation isn't legally binding, there'south not much paperwork involved.
  1. Can I withdraw my pledge at a later stage in life, if I so wish?
    Aye; just inform the agency you registered with.
  1. Does my family accept to know nearly my decision to pledge my organs? Is the donor bill of fare non enough to convey my wish to donate my organs?
    Yes, it is pertinent that family unit members know and agree with the private'due south decision to donate. The individual'southward decision can be reversed past the family when the time comes.
  1. How do I ensure that my pledge is honoured afterwards my decease?
    Since the final decision rests with the family, they must exist informed almost the decision to donate organs.
  1. Can the family unit opposite my determination to pledge after my death?  What happens if family members of the encephalon-dead person, who pledged to donate his organs, don't consent to donation?
    The donation/transplantation doesn't take place.
  1. In case of an blow, volition doctors or hospitals not make all efforts to salvage me because I take pledged my organs? Will it affect my treatment?
    Admittedly not! All efforts would be made to salvage your life. Organ donation tin occur only in case of brain death – the irreversible stop of all brain activity.
  1. I fume and beverage regularly. Can I still pledge to donate my organs?
    Yeah! Medical experts showtime cheque whether the donor'due south organs are fit to be transplanted. Medical status at the fourth dimension of death determines what can or cannot be donated.
  1. I accept a lot of piercing and tattoos on my trunk. Does that make me an unfit candidate for organ donation?
    No, health of the organs at the time of donation is what determines whether a candidate fit or unfit for donation.
  1. Are there any factors that can disqualify me from donating organs?
    Unless y'all have claret related diseases, there is aught that tin disqualify anyone from altruistic organs. Whether or not one tin donate is adamant after a thorough medical screening when one is in a position to do so.
  1. Tin can someone with diabetes, cancer or HIV donate organs too?
    I infected with HIV, or Cancer, or whatever other claret-related infection cannot donate organs.
  1. If I donate in my lifetime, then will I take to change my lifestyle later donating an organ?
    Not necessarily.
  1. What role exercise hospitals play in counselling and following up with donors once the transplant has happened to ensure donors lead a healthy life?
    Hospitals, doctors, and transplant coordinators work in tandem to ensure the donor'due south proficient health. In that location is a protocol that is followed that ensures that donors are well taken care of.
  1. What if I don't pledge my organs, merely my family decides to donate whatever organs are still good for you after my death? Can organ donation take identify without my approval?
    The determination of whether or non one's organs tin can exist donated lie with the side by side of kin. If they concur, organs can be donated.
  1. Who all tin can one donate to?
    Living Donation: Primarily to about relatives such equally spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter. In unrelated transplants, permission from Authorization Committee is required.
    Deceased Donation: As per allocation criteria
  1. Can one donate only to relatives or claret relations or can one donate to others exterior the family?
    One can donate outside the family with the permission of the Potency Commission.
  1. If I donate to someone outside the family, is my identity confidential or known?
    The identity of the donor remains confidential.

All the above data has been validated by Dr. Aarti Vij, Kinesthesia Incharge, Organ Retrieval Cyberbanking System (ORBO), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.